PBOs, NPCs and NPOs
A helpful guideline pertaining to PBOs, NPCs and NPOs and their various registration requirements and tax implications.
Tax Exemption Guide for Public Benefit Organisations in South Africa (Issue 5)
Legal & Policy; VAT 414 Guide for Associations not for Gain and Welfare Organisations
Cross Border Shopping (JICP 2017_11)
State of the Johannesburg Inner City Rental Market (NASHO, TUHF, JHC 2017_11)
Office Vacancy Report (SAPOA 2017_10)
City Improvement Districts in Johannesburg: A quantitative & qualitative impact assessment
(CID Forum 2016_04)
Gauteng as a Village of 100 People (GCRO Quality of Life Survey 2015)
Towards Value Generating Capabilities of Collaborative Intermediary Organisations (University of Pretoria 2014_11)
Office Vacancy Survey Report (SAPOA 2014_04)
Important Links
Centre for Urbanism Built Environment Studies (CUBES at WITS)
Gauteng City Region Observatory (GCRO)