Three Joburg properties open for public tender as part of inner city rejuvenation
By Tasneem Bulbulia 26th October 2018
The City of Joburg (CoJ) has released information about three inner city properties that are now open for public tender by potential developers, as part of its inner-city rejuvenation project that comprises over 80 buildings and plots for renovation.
- The first building is a 999 m2 block of flats located on the corner of Sophie De Bruyn and Rissik streets and is commonly known as Moth Building.
Moth House – Not sixty yet but close (1960). Rated by the JHF (C).
- The second building is in Marshalltown and is commonly known as Samancor House.
Samancor House – Not sixty either (1962). Also rated by the JHF (C). More than three stands so PHRAG must be notified to check if an HIA is needed.
- The third site is the Salisbury building, located on the corner of Salisbury and Wemmer Jubilee street, just south of the CBD.
25 Salisbury Street – Vacant stand. Over 5000m2. PHRAG must be notified to check if an HIA is needed.
JHF C rating = Good building, part of a significant group and probably contributes to street scene, but possibly only a façade. Don’t touch without consulting the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation. Changes are possible but demolition will be resisted.
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