Withdrawl of Outdoor Advertising Bylaw Notice

On 14 June 2022 CoJ sent out the following notice:

The City of Johannesburg hereby withdraws the Outdoor Advertising By-law Notice published in the Gauteng Provincial Gazette, the CoJ website and newspaper publications, respectively.

In terms of this withdrawal, the public and interested parties are no longer required to submit written public comments up until a new notice is issued, at a date still to be determined by Council.
The public is also no longer required to attend the scheduled public participation sessions until further notice.

This notice of withdrawal will also be effected as per the Gauteng Provincial Gazette No. 157, published on 13 May 2022.

Withdrawal of the above notice is due to variations in by-law documentation published for inspection, publication dates in the newspapers as well as inconsistencies contained in Government Gazette No. 157.

The City of Johannesburg would like to render an apology to stakeholders and the public for any
inconvenience caused by this cancellation.

20220614 Outdoor Advertising Bylaw Notification Cancellation