VEPP Project Submissions Complete the project submissions form below and submit. * fields are required Project Details New / Upgrade*—Please choose an option—NewUpgrade Funding Status*—Please choose an option—UnfundedFundedCo-funded Project Category*—Please choose an option—CapitalPlacemakingSocial DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentPrecinct Operations Project Name and Location Project Name* Project Name Location* [group capital-project clear_on_hide] Capital Project Land Size* (m2) Existing Building Size* (m2) New Building Size* (m2) Capital Project Stage*—Please choose an option—Pre-PlanningPlanningConcept DesignDetailed DesignContract AwardedPractical Completion [/group] [group placemaking clear_on_hide] Placemaking Project Operating Project Stage* —Please choose an option—Pre-PlanningPlanningSubmissionApprovalOperations [/group] [group social-development clear_on_hide] Social Development Project Operating Project Stage* —Please choose an option—Pre-PlanningPlanningSubmissionApprovalOperations [/group] [group economic-development clear_on_hide] Economic Development Project Operating Project Stage* —Please choose an option—Pre-PlanningPlanningSubmissionApprovalOperations [/group] [group precinct-operations clear_on_hide] Precinct Operations Project Operating Project Stage* —Please choose an option—Pre-PlanningPlanningSubmissionApprovalOperations [/group] Project Elements* [group cost-capital clear_on_hide] Cost Cost Estimate* (ZAR) Full ZAR amount, e.g. R1m = 1000000 R [/group] [group cost-other clear_on_hide] Cost Cost Estimate* (ZAR) Include annual cost estimate - Full ZAR amount, e.g. R1m = 1000000 R [/group] Contact Details Applicant* Contact Person* Contact Person Email Address* Contact Person Cellphone Number* [group funding-status-unfunded clear_on_hide] Potential Funder Potential Funder* [/group] [group funding-status-funder-1 clear_on_hide] Funder Funder* Funder Financial Yearend* [/group] [group funding-status-funder-2 clear_on_hide] Funder Funder* Funder Financial Yearend* Co-Funder Co-Funder* Co-Funder Financial Yearend* [/group] Implementing Agency Implementing Agency Intervention Intervention 1 Required —Please choose an option—City PowerDevelopment PlanningJCPZJPCJRAFundingProvince Intervention 2 Required —Please choose an option—City PowerDevelopment PlanningJCPZJPCJRAFundingProvince Declaration* I hereby declare that the proposed project does not contravene any City of Johannesburg bylaw or any statutory law of South Africa.